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Game Server Articles

Centralized Vs Decentralized Hosting: What Best Solution For You

Centralized vs Decentralized Hosting are two different approaches to hosting data and applications on the Internet. Centralized hosting involves storing data on a central server, typically managed by a hosting provider, while decentralized hosting relies on a network...

SFTP Connection: An Easy-to-Follow Tutorial

A step-by-step guide on how to connect to a Linux server using SFTP. Thanks to the SFTP protocol you can easily access your server with an easy graphical interface that shows you all the files and directories that your server has....

Free Team Speak Server Setup

With the user-friendly client area, you can able to create a team speak 3 server for free instantly with just a few clicks. In this guide provided by Space-Hosting, you will learn how you can set up and configure a team speak 3 servers with multi features game panel...

Install Multicraft on Linux — Ubuntu/Debian

In this guide provided by Space Hosting, you will learn how you can install Multicraft on Linux operating systems such as CentOS. If you don't own VPS or a DDos Protected Dedicated Servers , you can buy from here.     Table of...

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